- just,juris = law(法律),right(正义)
- rat,ratio = to reckon(推定),reason(理由;理
- fusc = dark
- bil = strong
- acerb = bitter,harsh
- art = skill(技巧),art(技术)
- flig = to drive
- crastin = tomorrow
- pat = to walk
- cast,cest,chast = pure(纯洁)
- cast = to throw (投掷)
- stip = to press together
- insul(isol) = island受(岛屿)
- oner = burden
- scal = ladder
- scan,scend,scal = to climb(登;爬)
- orn = to decorate(装饰),to furnish(装备)
- ultim = end,last(最后的)
- varic = to strade
- migr = to remove(移动),to wander(漂泊)
- popul,publ = people(人)
- mell,mel(mil,mol,mar) = honey
- phan(phen,fan) = to show,to appear
- lumin(lun) = light
- phon = sound(声音)
- phe = to speak (说话)
- merit = to deserve,to earn
- grat(grac) = thankful,pleasing(喜好)
- magn,maj,max = great(伟大的;壮大的)
- caval(chival) = hosre
- dextr,dextro,dextra,dexter = right 右
- vor = to eat(吃)
- not = to know,to mark
- pto = to fall
- prag,pract = to do,business
- narc = numbness,stupor
- lith,lite,lithic,litho = stone 石
- eco(ecu,oce) = house(家)
- egyr = to bring together
- polit(polic,polis) = city,state
- ax = axis
- thet,thes(thec,them) = to place,to put(置放)
- crat,cracy = to govern,to rule,government
- caust,caut = to brun
- graph,gram = to write(书写)
- mim = to imitate
- mand,mend = to order(命令),to entrust(委托)
- aug,auct(aux) = to increase(增加),to make to grow(使产
- merc = to trade(贸易),reward(报酬)
- clar(clair) = clear
- mord,mors = to bite
- comit = to accompany
- mun(muni) = duty,function,gift,service
- corp,corpor = body 体,身体
- somn = to sleep(睡眠)
- op,oper,of = to work,riches
- chal = warm,ardent
- dulg = to yield
- vag(vaga) = to wander(流浪;漂泊)
- milit = soldier(士兵),to fight(战斗)
- dorm = to sleep(睡眠)
- ferv = to boil(沸腾)
- vig,veg = to live,lively(快活的;有生气的)
- radi-,-ray-,-rad-,-radio- = ray,beam 光线,辐射
- dig = to need ,to lack
- prim(prem,prin,pri) = first(第一)
- ban = prohibition,control
- nomin,nomen = name(名字)
- noct,nox = night(夜晚)
- hemer = day
- coloss(colis) = great
- cruc(cruis) = cross(十字;交叉)
- rus,rur = country(乡村)
- reg(reig) = to rule(统治),king(王),规则
- patr(pater) = father,country
- matr (mater) = mother
- op,opt,opto,ophthalm = eye(眼睛),sight(视力)
- mar = war
- glob = sphere
- cel = sky,heaven
- imit = copy,imitate 模仿
- plaud,plaus(plod,plos,plex) = strike(打,击),clap鼓掌
- domit = to tame
- cens = to assess
- culp = fault,to blame
- palp = to touch
- pecc = sin
- let,liv = lime
- cuss = to strike,to shake
- doc = to teach(教导)
- aud(ed,eis) = to hear
- log,loqu,locut = to speek(说话)
- propr,proper,propri = proper(适当的),one's own(自己
- hier = holy
- leth = death
- ac,acr,acid = sour(酸的)sharp(锐利的)
- brev,brevi,brief,bridg = short(短的)
- prox,prop = near
- ev = time,age年龄,寿命,时代,时期
- mir = to wonder(惊讶),to behold(看见)
- verb = word(字;词)
- pil = hair
- car,carn = flesh(肉)
- salv,sav = safe
- bond,band = to bind(捆绑)
- her = heir(继承人)
- vest = to dress
- scend,scent,scens,scan = to climb
- form = form(形状),to form(形成)
- mit,miss(mis,mess) = to send(送),to throw(投;掷)
- plu = more
- cili = eyelid
- rap,rav(rep) = to take,to snatch(攫取)
- cinct = to bind,to gird
- plant = plant(植物),to plant(种植)
- fract,frag(fra,fring) = to break(打破)
- splend = to shine(发光;照耀)
- ol,od = smell
- fulg = to shine
- trench = to cut
- monstr = to show
- pud = ashamed
- dub(doub) = uncertain
- scind,scis = to cut
- tac(tic) = silent
- nounc,nunci = to say,to report
- eng = to deny
- vil = cheap
- len = soft
- juven = young 年轻,年少
- hab(hib) = to live,to have,to hold
- tard = slow
- fort,forc = strong
- burs = bag,sack,purse
- cliv = to bend
- teg,tect = to hide,to cover
- al,ol,ul = to nourish(滋养)
- fus,fut,fund,found = to pour
- mont,mount = hill,to rise
- cur = to take care
- sag = to perceive
- sci = to know
- mon(min) = to warn,to advise,to remind
- med = to heal,to attend to
- text = to weave
- poster = coming after
- sumpt,sum = to take,to use,to waste
- domin = master,lord
- ambul(ambl) = to walk
- cau = to take care
- mat = ripe
- funct = to perform
- ann,enn = year
- mea(me) = to pass
- vad,vas(wad) = to go
- jur = to swear,law
- gon = to compare,to test,angle
- phras,pha,phe,phu = to say,to speek
- oxy(ox) = sharp,acid 酸
- meter(metr) = measure,metr(测量)
- od = song
- dox,dogma = opinion(意见)
- sit = food,grain,to sir
- all = other
- loqu,locut = to say,to speak 说话
- scen = to set
- dur = to last(持续)
- cel(cul,ceal) = cul,ceal
- ed,es = to eat 吃
- liter = letter(文字)
- rect,rig = straight(直的),right(公正的;正当的)
- nutr,nurt,nutri = to nourish 营养
- vol,volunt = will,free 意志,意愿,自由
- medi = middle(中间)
- rupt = to break
- luct = to struggle
- macul = stain,spot
- mur = wall
- nat,nasc(naiss,naiv) = to be born 出生
- or,ora,ore,orat = to say
- pecu = money
- turb = to agitate
- temper = moderate,mix,strecth 节制,调节,混合
- veh,vect(veigh,vex) = to carry
- scrut = to examine
- surg,surge,srect,surrect = to rise(立起)
- calc(culc) = to tread
- firm = strong
- anim = life,mind,breath
- avi(av) = bird
- pugn = to fight
- vuln(vult) = wound
- mut = to change
- vet = old
- tegr = to touch
- noc(nox,nic,nec) = to harm(伤害)
- fall,fals = to err,to deceive
- port,portat = to carry(搬运)
- pet(pit,peat) = to rush,to seek,to strive
- damn(demn,dam) = ourse,harm
- var,vari = change
- ver = to feel awe,to fear 敬畏,尊敬
- bib(bev) = to drink
- sinu = curve,hollow
- trep,trem = to fear
- cit = to call,to arouse
- pover(pauper) = poor
- ciner = ashes
- mort,mors,mor = death(死)
- still = to drop(滴)
- pun,pen(poen) = to punish,pen
- crim,crimin,crimine = crime,guilty,accusation控诉,罪行
- ped(pod,pus,peach,patch,pet) = foot(足)
- order,ord,ordin(ordain) = ord,ordin
- flat = to blow(吹)
- part = part(部分),to part(分开)
- tim(tem) = to fear
- it,iti = to go(走)
- nov = new(新的)
- man(mn,main) = to flow,to stay
- mend = to order
- nerv,neur,neuro = nerve(神经)
- fet = productive
- mers,merg = to dip,to plunge
- calc,calcul = lime,stone,to reckon 石灰,石头,计算
- gran,grain = seed 谷物,谷粒,种子
- tric(trig) = trifle 琐碎
- bull = to boil,seal
- fig = to form
- figur = to shape(形成),figure(形状)
- hilar = merry
- hort = to urge
- pi = holy
- purg = clean 清洁,干净
- greg = flock,gather,mob 群 / 聚结
- lic = to entice,to permit 准许
- rud = crude,raw
- van(vain),vac,void = empty
- tol = to raise,to support
- luc(lux,lus),lust,lustr = light,bright(明亮的)
- empt,em(eem,mpt,m,anson),ampl = to take,to buy
- termin,term = end,limit,boundary
- manu(man) = hand(手)
- hod(od) = way,road
- orb = circle,track
- long = long
- stinct,sting,stig,sti = to prick,to bind
- lip = to leave
- radic(radis) = root
- alt(haut) = high
- numer = number,to count
- per(pir,par) = to try out,to risk
- clav = key
- cumb,cub = to lean,to lie
- com = revel,hair,sleep
- bell = beautiful,war
- gross = large,thick
- light = light
- tail = to cut
- am(em,im,m) = to love,frendly
- bar = bar(横木)
- body = body
- croch(croach,crouch,crutch,crook) = hook,to bend
- pot(pow,poss) = powerful,capable of
- pass = to stride,to step
- bol,bl,bal = to throw
- quist,quest,quir,quer(quist) = to ask ,to seek
- semin(semen) = seed(种子)
- tort(tor) = to twist(卷缩)
- sembl = same,equal
- cur,curs(cor,cour,cours,coars) = to run
- clin(cli) = to bend(弯曲)
- put = to think
- ut,uti,util,us = to use(使用)
- verg = to turn,to bend(倾向;倾斜)
- vulg(mulg) = people
- fid(fi,fy,feder,feal) = to trust
- pel,puls(peal) = to drive
- sua,suad,suas(suav) = to persuade,to advise 劝告
- arm = weapon
- sect = to cut
- min(men) = to hang,to project(突出)
- cred(creed,cre) = to believe,to trust(相信)
- cret,cern(creet,cre) = to observe(观察)to sift(筛选)
- est,ess,ent = to be(存在)
- linqu(lic,lict) = to leave
- prec = to pray(祈祷)
- pred,preda = to plunder(掠夺),to prey(掠食)
- lec(let,lic,lig) = to entice
- lin,lign = line
- fac,front = face(面部,正面),forehead(前额)
- men(mean) = to lead
- rid,ris = to laugh(笑)
- vid,vis = to look,to see
- void = empty
- crep = to rattle
- mol,moll = to grind,grain,burden,heap,moll
- terr = earth(地)
- terr = to frighten(使惊吓)
- vac(vas) = empty(空)
- plor = to weep
- grad,gress(gred) = to go,to walk(走)
- test = witness(证据)
- spon,spond,spons(spous) = to promise 承诺
- act,ag = to do,to drive (做,驱使)
- tra,tract(treat) = to draw(拉拽)
- tum = to swell(肿胀)
- volv,volu,volut = to roll,to turn
- pict(pig) = to paint
- mens = to measure
- viv,vit = to live,life(活,生活)
- summ = highest,total,sum
- sign = mark,sign
- stern(stren) = rigid(严格的;僵硬的;(规则、方法
- tang,tact,ting(tig,tag) = to tuouch
- rob = strong,strength
- rod,ros = to gnaw(咬;啮)
- plac(plais),pleas = to please,to soothe,peace
- dign(dain,deign) = worthy(有价值的)
- dol = to grieve
- flagr,flam = to burn(燃烧),flame(火焰)
- secr,sacr,sanct(sacer,saint) = holy,sacred 神圣的
- alesc(esc,alit,olesc) = becoming
- lat = to carry(带来), to bear(搬运,担负)
- miser = to pity,wretched
- coc,coct = to cook,to mature
- fer = to carry(拿),to bring(带来),to bear(负担,
- solid(sold) = firm,whole
- tempor = time,age,season
- pris,prehend,prehens(pren,pregn,priev) = to take,to seize
- fisc = chest,money basket,treasury 国库
- vict,vinc = to conquer(征服)
- labor = to work (工作)
- ger,gest(gist) = to carry(运、载)
- strain,strict,string,stress(strang) = to draw tight(拉紧)
- cid,cad,cas = to fall(落下,降临)
- sequ,secut,su = to follow(跟随)
- serv = to serve(服务),to keep(保持)
- mot,mov,mob = to move(运动)
- clud,clus(clos,clois,claus,clot) = to shut(关闭)
- punct,pung(punc,pounc,polgn,pon,point) = to prick(刺),
- tend,tens,tent = to stretch(伸)
- ag,act,ig = to drive(驱使),to do(做)
- bat = to strike,to beat(打)
- gen(gn),gener,gent = birth(出生),race(种族)
- cis(cas,chis),cide = to cut(切)
- via(vi),vey,voy,way = way,road (道路)
- sol = sun(太阳)
- sol = alone/single,whole/entire (单独的)
- ment = mind(心智),to think(想)
- pact = to fasten(系紧),to agree(同意)
- ple,plet,plet,pli,ply,plen,pleni = to fill,full 装满(的)
- press = to press (压)
- cept,cap,capt,ceiv(ceit,cip,cup) = to take,to seize 拿,抓,
- morph = form (形)
- mne,mnes,mem,memor = to remember (记住的)
- troph = to nourish
- esthet,aesthet,esthes,aesthes = to feel
- cogn,gno(gn,n),cognis,gnos = to know (知道)
- path,patho,pat,pati,pass,passi,pathy = to feel感受,to suffer受苦的
- arch,archy = government,to rule统治
- dot,don(dow,dos),dat(dit) = to give(给)
- onym(onom) = name(名字)
- bys = end,bottom
- umbr = shade,to shadow(阴影)
- fin = end(末尾), limit(界限)
- tri,trit = to rub(擦)
- pos,post = to put,to place(放;置)
- pon,pound,pos,posit = to put(放置)
- tenu = thin(细薄)
- col(cul) = neck(脖子)
- coast,cost = rib(肋骨),side(旁边,边)
- jud,jur,jus,just = to judge(判断)
- junct,join(jug) = to join,to bind (连接)
- front = forehead,face(前,前面 ,前部,前额)
- sever = serious
- fac,fact,fec,fect,fic,fict(feas,feit,feat,fit) = do,make 做
- spers(spars) = to sprinke,to strew,to scatter 散,撒
- grand = great,large(大)
- fess = to say,to talk 说
- tribut = to give,to pay(给予)
- ver = true (真实)
- fa,fabl,fabul = to speak(说)
- fam,fat,phon = to speak(说;论)
- scrib,script = to write(写)
- prob,prov = to test ,to try(试),to examine(试验)
- bas,bat = go,walk 走
- bas = lower缩小,降低,减少,bottom 底
- cre(cru),cresc,cret = to grow,to increase 生长
- cent,cant(chant,chans) = to sing,song 歌唱
- cert = sure 确实,确信
- sent,sens = to feel感觉
- sat(set) = enough 满
- ducc,duc,duct(du) = to lead(引导)
- hom,hum = man,hum,earth,ground 人类,地,湿
- tain,ten,tin,tent = hold 握,持,守
- norm = standard, rule 规范,正规,正常,标准
- und,ound = wave 波浪
- dic,dict = say,assert,allot 说话,断言,分派
- vert,vers = to turn 转,转向,转移
- cond = to hide 隐藏
- solv,solu,solut = to loosen 松的,解
- tom = to cut 切
- ject,jac(jet) = to throw(投掷,扔)
- lu,lav,lau = to wash(冲洗)
- rog = to ask(询问;要求)
- trud,trus = to thrust,to push(推,插入)
- voc,vok(vouc,vow,voic) = to call 喊叫,voice(声音)
- err(arr) = to wander(漫游)
- ori(ort) = to rise,to arise(升起)
- rad,ras(raz) = to rub,to scrape(刮擦)
- ali,al,alter(ulter,altru) = other 其他的,变更
- fil = thread(线),to spin(纺织),foul(脏)
- fil = children,son 子女,儿子
- lev(liev) = to raise(举,升),to light(轻的)
- lud,lus = to play(游戏,扮演)
- pall = pale 苍白无力的;暗淡的;浅色的
- sem(sembl),sim(simul,simil) = same,like,equal
- sur = certain(确定的),secure(安全的)
- clim = ladder,slope
- journ = day 天,日
- ven,vent = to come 来
- grav(griev),gravat = heavy 重,加重
- spir,spirat = to breathe(呼吸)
- preci(prais,pric,priz) = price(价格,价值)
- port = share 分
- nihil = nothing(无;虚无)
- nex,nect = to bind(绑,连结)
- ced,cess(ceed,ceas) = to go 走
- sert = to put,to join 放置,结合
- plic,ply,pli,ple,plex,plo = to flod(倍,重,折叠)
- pac,peas,pact = peace 和平
- ne(na,no,n) = not 不
- lot = lot
- apt(ept,att) = fit 适当的
- claim,clam = to cry,to shout
- lig(li,leag,ly) = to bind,to tie 绑
- flict = to stike 打击
- val(vail) = worth(价值),strong(强壮的)
- cor,cord(cour) = heart 心
- her,hes = to stick 粘着
- qui,quiet = to rest(休息),calm (安静的)
- mod = fit,manner,modern,measure,kind,way 方法,方式
- flu,flux = to flow 流动
- sal = salt 盐
- sal(sul,sil,sail,saul) = to leap 跳
- veng,vind,venge = to punish 惩罚,to avenge 报仇
- cel,celer = swift 快速
- equ(iqu) = equal,same 相同,相同
- par(pair,per,pir,peer) = equal平等,相等,准备
- pend,pens(pond,penc) = hang悬挂,weigh 称量,pay 花费
- spect,speci,spec(spic,spi,spy) = to look,to see 看
- sid(sed,sit),sess(sid) = to sit 坐
- st,sta,,stat,stit,sist,stitut = to stand(站立)
- aem,haem,haemo,haemat,haemato,em,hem,hemo,hemat,hemato = 血
- agogue(agog) = lead,leader 领导,领导者,引导
- agr,agro,agri = 田地
- alg,algo = 痛
- am,em = 拿
- andr,andro = man,male 人,男人,雄性
- anthrop,anthropo = man,human 人,人类
- anth = flower 花
- archae,archa = ancient,primitive 古代的,原始的
- arter,arterio,arteri = 动脉
- art,arthr,arthro = 关节
- ard,ars = 烧
- aur,auri = ear 耳
- barb = 胡须
- bar(baro,bary) = 重,压
- beaut = 美
- bi,bio = life 生命,生物
- blanc = white 白
- blast,blasto = germ 胚,芽
- cac,caco = 恶,良
- brut = 兽
- calor,cale = 热
- camp = field 田地,原野,旷野
- cand,cend,cens = white(白色的),bright(光亮的
- cap,capit = 头
- card,cardi = 心
- carp,carpo = 果实
- cart,chart = 纸
- cav = 洞,空
- cent,centi = 百,百分之一
- centr = center 中心
- cephal = head 头
- cart,chart = 车
- chiro,cheir = 手
- chlor,chloro = 氯,绿
- chrom,chromo,chromat,chromato = 色
- chrys = 金
- clin = 床
- commod = 便利,方便
- corn = 角
- cry,cryo = 冷,冻
- crani,cranio = 头颅,头盖
- crypt,crypto = 隐,秘密,隐藏
- curv = 弯曲
- cyan,cyano = 蓝,青,氰
- dactyl,dactylo = 指,趾
- dendr,dendro = 树
- dens = 密,浓
- derm,derma,dermat = 皮
- divid,divis = 分
- dors = 背后
- emper,imper = 命令
- ethn,ethno = nation,people 人种,种族
- erg = 工作
- entom,entomo = 昆虫
- enter = 肠
- fabric = 制造
- fare = to go 走,行
- fasc = 捆,束
- febr,febri = 热
- fem,femin = 妇女
- fend,fens,fest = strike 打击
- ferr,ferro = iron 铁
- frug,fruct = ruit/enjoy 水果/享受
- frater = brother 兄弟
- foli = 叶
- flor,flori,flour = flower 花
- fix = to fasten 固定
- fid,fiss = break,spilt 裂开
- fibr = 纤维
- gastr,gastro = 胃,腹
- geo = 地
- glaci = 冰
- gloss,glot = tongue 舌,语言
- gnor,gnos,gniz = 知
- gyr,gyro = 旋转
- hedron,hedral = ...面体,...面体的
- heli,helio = 太阳
- heter,hetero = 异
- holo = 全
- homo = 同
- hydr,hydro,hydric = 水
- horr,hor = 怕
- hor = 时间,小时
- ichthy = 鱼
- hypn,hypno = sleep 睡眠
- ide,ideo = idea 意,观念
- ident = 相同
- iod = iodine 碘
- ir,irr = 怒
- iso = equal,similar 相等,相同
- iter = 再
- labi = lib 唇
- lachrym = 泪
- galact,lact = 乳
- lapid = stone 石头
- laps = slip,glide 滑,溜
- laryngo, = throat 咽喉
- latr,latry,later = serve,worship 崇拜,崇拜者
- lax,lyse = 松驰
- lect = 言
- leuc = white 白
- liber,libr,liter,lev,level = 天平,秤,称
- liber,liver = free 自由的
- liqu = 液体
- lys,lysi,lyt = 分,解,溶,散
- macr,macro = great 大的
- mamm = breast 乳房
- men,min = 威胁
- mancy = divination 占卜
- melan = black 黑色
- mes,meso = middle 中间
- micr,micro = 小,微
- mis,mixt,mix = mix 混杂,混合
- mund = 世界
- nat = 浮游
- myst = secret/mystery 秘密/神秘
- necr,necro = death(死亡),deadbody(死尸)
- neg = 否认,否定
- neutr = 中
- nom,nomy = 学,术,法,治
- ocul = eye/ bud 眼睛 / 苗
- od = 路
- nour,nurs = 喂养,营养
- odont,odonto = tooth 牙齿/牙
- ole,oleo = 油
- olig,oligo = few 少
- oo = egg 卵
- ov,ovi = 卵
- opt = to choose 选,to wish 希望
- ophi,ophio = 蛇
- optim = 最好的
- oram,orama = view 观看,景
- osteo,oss,osse = bone 骨头
- ot,oto = ear 耳
- ornith = bird 鸟
- oste,osteo = 骨
- paleo,pale,palae = old 老,古,旧
- pand,pans = 展开
- pen,penn,pinn = feathers 羽毛
- peps,pept = peptic 消化的
- phem,phet = 言
- phot,photo,phos = light 光
- phor = 带,持有,具有
- phyll,phyllo = leaf 叶
- phyt,phyto = plant 植物
- pisc = fish 鱼
- plur,plus = 多
- plut,pluto = money 财
- pol,poly = 卖
- porc,pork = 猪
- potent,pot = power/ ability 力量 / 能力
- pot = 饮
- proxim,proach = near 接近
- prot,proto = rude/original/ primitive 前,第一,原
- priv = 个人,私自
- potam = 河
- psych,psycho = soul,mind 灵魂,精神,心理
- petr,petro = stone 石,rock 岩石
- pter = wing 翅,翼
- pyr,pyro = fire 火
- rhiz,rhizo = root 根
- rhin,rhino = nose 鼻
- riv = flow/brook/river 流动,小溪,河
- rhag,rrhag,rrhea = (过多)流出,破裂
- san,sal,sanit = 健康,卫生
- sarc,sarco = flesh 肉
- sanguin,sangui = blood 血
- scler,sclero = 硬
- scop = 观察,镜
- seri = 系列,连
- serv = watch 注视
- Sino,Sinic,Sinico = China 中国
- soci = companion,associate 同伴,结交,联合
- sorb,sorpt = 吸
- stereo = solid 立体
- stom,stomat,stomato = mouth 口
- stor = 存放
- strat = 层
- stru,stro,struct = build 建造
- techo,techn,techno = art/ skill 技艺 / 技术
- sum = 总,最高
- terg,ters = 擦,除掉
- therm,thermo = hot/heat 热/热的
- tir = 拉,引
- toler = endure 容忍
- top = 地方
- tox = poison 毒
- trop = turn 转
- ur = urine 尿
- vacc = 牛
- urg,urgy = 制作
- van = 前,先
- veget = 植物
- velop = 包,裹,卷
- vend = 卖
- vent = wind 风
- verm,vermi = 蠕虫
- verd,vir = 绿
- xanth,xantho = yellow 黄
- viol = violence/strength 暴力/力量
- vigor = 精力
- vigil = 醒着
- vibr = to shake 摇动
- xer,xero = dry 干燥
- zo,zoo = life/animal 生命/动物
- xyl,xylo = wood 木
- ped = child(儿童)
- habit,hibit = have,hold,dwell 拥有,占据,居住
- draw = 拉,牵引
- dem = people 人民
- dent = tooth 牙齿
- sen = old(老的;年长的)
- crit,cris = to judge 判断,辨明,区分
- angul,angl = corner,angle 角
- ang = to strangle 勒死,窒息
- ang,eng,ank,anch = 弯曲,角
- joy,joc,jol,jov = 欢乐,开心
- aer,air,er,ar = air 空气
- cosm = 秩序,宇宙,装饰
- aqua,aqu,aque,aqui = water 水
- chron = time 时间
- cover = cover 覆盖
- count = to count 计算
- hous,hus,hid,hut = 盖,藏
- urb = city 城市
- vil,vuln,vul,vuls,vult = pluck,tear 撕,扯,野蛮
- vuls,vulse = to pluck(摘;采;拉)
- deb,du = to owe 负债
- dei,divin = god 神
- dom = to tame (驯服),to rule(统治)
- dom = house 房屋
- ego = I,self 我,自己
- electr = amber,electricity 琥珀,电
- fest = festival 节日;祝宴
- the,theo = god 神
- ton,tun = sound,tone 声,音调
- torn,tour,tourn = turn 转动
- flex,flect = bend 弯曲
- par = to bear,to give,birth to(生)
- mor = custom(风俗,习惯,道德)
- son = sound 声音
- fund,found,fus = melt,pour 熔化;倾倒,浇注
- fug,bow,bog = flee 逃,弯
- gam,gamo = marry,marriage 婚姻
- hap = luck 运气,机会
- herb = grass 草
- idio,idi = personal,distinct 个人的,独特的
- libr,lib = book 书籍
- loc,loco = location,place 位置,地方
- mark,marg,march = to mark(作记号),boundary(边界)
- mechan = machine 机器
- nau,nav,naut,naus = ship,boat 船,轮船
- nul,null = nothing 无
- phil,philo = loveing 爱
- ortho = straight 直的,right 正的
- pur = pure 纯洁
- port = gate 门
- plain,plaint = beat 打,to beat the breast 捶胸
- quer,quar= to complain 抱怨
- quit = free,release,release 自由,释放,免除
- rept = to creep 爬行;蔓延
- rot = revolve,wheel,turn 转,轮子,旋转
- soph = wise,wisdom 聪明的,智慧
- sort = kind(种类)
- tent,tempt,emp,temp = to try 尝试,to touch 触摸
- crim,crimin = separate 分开
- tuit,tut = look after,protect 照管,监护
- phag = eat 吃
- past = 喂养,牧羊人
- parl = 说,谈话
- du,dupl = two 二
- rol = ring,circle 圆,环,滚动
- rac = race 种族
- sel,sul,sult = summon 召集
- hal = 呼吸
- helic,helico = spiral 螺旋
- ign = 火
- inter,integr = 整,全
- biblio,bibli = book 书
- brig = hit 打,战斗 打 战斗
- ump = to bulge 隆起
- ante,anti,ant = before 前
- civ,civil = citizen 公民
- cyte,cyt,cyto = cell 细胞
- dec,decor = fit,elegance 合适
- hipp,hippo = horse 马
- gyn,gynec,gyneco = woman,female 妇女
- dyn,dynamo,dynam = power/ability 力,力量
- freeze,frig,friger = cold 冷的
- -s- = be 在
- add = to put to 加,加上
- contra,counter,contro = against 反对
- phob,phobia = dislike,fear 厌恶,怕
- nigr,nigri,negro,negr = black 黑
- selen,seleno,seleni = moon 月亮
- nucle,nucl,nucleo = kernel 核
- all,allo = other,different 异
- athl = contest 竞赛
- advance,advant = before/in front of 前,在前
- colon = inhabit 栖息
- esti,este = value 价值
- gubern,govern = govern 管理,统治
- seism,seismo = seism 地震